random craps...that is my life รำพึงรำพัน กระแสความคิดของปัจเจกชนบนโลกใบใหญ่

Thursday, June 30, 2005

So many things to do

1. Write a news article for the Rotary club. Hmm...I should have figured out the topic by now.
Last time for the speech, I di
2. Contact Piak, Por and P'Toon to schedule my travel in August.
3. Write an internship report to Matsumura-sensei and Prof. Jacobsen at Harvard.

Plan for this weekend.
Saturday: one-day trip to Hiroshima: all day is taken.
Sunday: hmm... I should put on some serious study of Japanese at this point, especially my composition skills that seems a little behind other skills, a some lab vocabs. And Kendo practice at a new place.


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