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Monday, October 13, 2008

Smart grid for distributed energy storage

It's been ages for not posting on my blog, despite having way so much going-on in my life (way too much than I can handle).

Anyway, here are some interesting resources for Smart Grid tech, for distributing electricity efficiently, reliably and securely. This is a part of my final project for the photovoltaic class, titled Capacity value of Distributed Energy Storage for PV. Basically we are trying to study the incentives of household and commercial solar generators to store and then feed in their generated power into the grid during peak hours (where electricity is most valuable). Of course the promise of this idea lies on many aspects, the electricity pricing system, legislation (which may become hard; note the the Feed-in Tariff is not an established entity yet in the US), and also on the technical side of how to store the energy with little loss. For energy and cost efficient distribution we may probably has to use Smart grid, which still has a long way to go on regional basis.
I'll see after reading these how it may work.

The untapped Value of Backup Generation


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