My blogging habit and Shutter
Wow, I just notice the ease and naturalness with which I picked up the habit of posting on my blog. I guess I'm putting my procrastication to creative, positive use than facebooking (nowadays, equal to stalking people) and youtubeing.
There is this Thai horror movie I watched the other day, Shutter (2004) on youtube (nicely-subtitled: not that I really need). Surprisingly, it's very good production and with very effective story lines. (I never imagined Thai movie industry has come this far. But they've really got more and more creative recently.) Really on par with Korea's "Tale of the Two Sisters" my fave of the classy psycho-drama-horror genre. Well, I have nothing against the original Ju-On or Ringu despite their complicated plot, but I considered them a different subgenre--as the creative, artsy imagery type.
To tell you the truth, I'm generally not interested in (or rather, affected by) horrors, except so far as some artistic, imaginative value are concerned or unless they begin digging into the human psyche. But I have to be impressed by the effort in this one.
According to the data on Imdb, Shutter is on its way to a hollywood remake although they changed the setting to JP. But even the cover of US DVD release already frustrated me. It simply uses a cheap gory shot from the movie that resembles that of the Grudge or The Ring (remember the wet-long-dark-haired-Asian-girl imagery from any typical J-horror and their US remake?) How else could I have felt so cool being Asian (but yet troubled by being grouped in a "stereotype")? I understand they wanted to make as much money as possible by bordering a well-established hit genre, but could they have made it more subtle?

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