Movies To Watch List
There are a bunch of supposedly good movies out there that I want to watch. Apart from general blockbusters like Spidey 3 (hope this is as enjoyable as the second one), 300 (the laughability and Americanness of which I enjoyed), I have set a goal to find these three when I go back to BKK.
"Tekkon Kinkreet"
I noticed the poster during New year when I was still in Kyoto but unfortunately had more other things to do than going to a theater back then. (Surprisingly, extra 'private' time or 'time to spending with myself' in Japan didn't transform into 'indispensable procrastination' as time in the US.) Looks like this movie is same director(?) or at least same style as the fantastical 'Mind Game' which still remained the best unique animation (in a essentially 'animating' sense) in my memory.

"Flag of Our Fathers/Letters from Iwo-Jima"
I have recently developed an appreciation for uncle Clint's movies. Though I remember the deepest agony in absorbing the story of "Mystic River" when I saw it almost 4 years ago, I later realized that is because his movie is so heart-wrenchingly affective. Besides, I haven't seen a war film for many years, and I heard this one is quite different. (I also like the fact that uncle Clint let the japanese actors speak their language and subtitled the movie.)

As I never watched 'Kill Bill' or 'Pulp Fiction' in an actual theatre, I hope not to miss the experience for this one. I fantasize it might be similar to that seeing of Takashi Miike's absurdist 'Izo' at Brattle in my junior year (2005).

PS: 'Brattle' is awesome and I have to say thanks to this haven of my past 4 years. Hope I find something as cool as you next year in Berkeley.
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